RJAF Series Filters

Air Conveying Corporation has been designing and building the RJAF SERIES Reverse Jet After Filters for many, many years.  This self cleaning bag style filter uses compressed air and a high velocity venturi to accomplish the highly efficient automatic and continuous cleaning of the filter media.  These filters come in all sizes, have a differential pressure graph, are PLC Controlled, have Touch Screen Controls, an Adjustable Cleaning Program and a Purge Program to manage and extend bag life.  They can be fitted with an Air System Dust Return, Collection Drums or a Briquetter for easy and clean dust handling.  These filters also conform to all NFPA and OSHA regulations regarding explosion protection.

RJ Filter 2 
RJ Filter 1 
rjaf filt 

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Mike Regan

Air Conveying Corporation | 2196 E Person Ave, Memphis, TN 38114 | CONTACT US 901-454-5016

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