TangentAir® Separators

Air Conveying Corp. Patented TangentAir® Separators are designed to be an internal and in expensive separator, however, they can be installed outside as well.  The TangentAir® Separators are custom designed to suit the specific needs of our customers.  They range in volumes from 5,000 CFM to our largest so far at 75,000 CFM.  They can be fitted with any of our After Filters to return the cleaned conveying air back to the plant.  These units can also be designed with a Draw Thru System that will reduce the baler chute pressure to just over 0 inches of water without the use of a problematic and maintenance intensive airlock that our competitors use.  Inlet Manifolds are fitted with Back Pressure Dampers to prevent blow back when a trim system is shut down and close if there is an explosion in the filter.  OSHA approved Cat Walks and Access Ladders with Safety Gates provide access to the inlets and Filter Section.  A Plug Detector also comes standard with the TangentAir®.

TangentAir 1

TangentAir 2

TangentAir 3

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Mike Regan

Air Conveying Corporation | 2196 E Person Ave, Memphis, TN 38114 | CONTACT US 901-454-5016

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